Miracle morning is bullshit. Just ask JK Rowling. There was an article posted to FB recently that talked about the "morning productivity phenomena" and how all successful people get up before dawn to make their millions. JK called all the hype out for what it is - phooey. Girl, I'm with you.
I used to be a morning-ish person. I was usually the first one up as a highschooler because I had to be. My french immersion school was 30 minutes away and my bus came SUPER early in the mornings. Some days I was out the door before my brothers were even out of bed. I worked at a golf course in my summers at University, and had to be there for 5:30am for the early birds who liked to get a round in before work. I've never been late for school, or work or even a flight. Why? because my sense of duty and responsibility is respect for the time of others is high. Believe me, it's not because I love getting out of bed.
Now, I think that people who love the morning are great! My hubs is one of them! It usually means that he's up, has made coffee and even started to get the kids ready for the day - I love it! But I don't want to be one of them, and that's ok.
After having kids and being up all night with both of them, and struggling with sleep with our youngest, even to this day, I cherish every moment I get to spend in my bed. Mornings on the weekend where the kids sleep (or at least are entertained in ninja-like quiet) until 9 or 10 am are my absolute favourite thing.
See productivity can happen whenever you make it happen and I happen to be an evening kinda gal. My kids go to bed pretty early (like 7pm), and it gives me 4 solid hours of time to make the rest of the world go around. I won't lie, I don't always use those hours to make my millions, but they are by far my most focused, creative and productive hours of the day. Less distractions, hubs is tired and usually in bed early from getting up before first light and there's something about the evening and reflecting on the day that helps get the idea machine rolling.
So, if you're not the kinda girl that springs out of bed, spends her first blissful moments drinking coffee in the quiet while reading a self-development book or listening to the latest podcast on organic farming, I'm with you. It doesn't mean you're not killing it in your personal or professional life, it just means that you have to find the time that makes your life more "miraculous". How about miracle midnight? or miracle mid-afternoon when the baby is napping? We can use our time purposefully when it suits us, and that's ok.
So get out your day planner, think about what times of the day you can be most productive and use that time to make your dreams come true. For me it used to be making the most pinterest worthy birthday parties for my babies. Now its creating time and life freedom for my family. No dream is wrong, so get after it girl!
